
“The Consortium is targeted to foster collaboration between industry, academia and government partners, focused on pre-competitive projects to work towards goals set by all, for the research, development and experimental validation of emerging nanotechnologies and concepts to contribute to the advancement of the aerospace industry as a whole while retaining competitiveness in the market”.


The Industrial Research Chair - IRC is the key mechanism to accomplish the NAVIN Consortium goals.

The industry would like to ensure the NAVIN consortium to invest their money in and to have a clear mechanism for their participation and influence in the decisions on which projects would be promoted.

Therefore, with oversight from industry, the IRC will define and implement a robust research and development program to meet these identified needs.

The IRC could also be the logical facilitator for moving a project to a competitive mode by choosing or advocating appropriate partners for a joint venture or licensing agreement.

The IRC will further benefit from partnership with IRC partners from Canada, USA, Europe, Japan and elsewhere. For example, proposed partner Institutes from Canada include: the Canada Excellence Chair at the University of Alberta and the Canada-India Centre of Excellence at Carleton University.