Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

Session 12: MNT Integration - 2

08:25-08:50 The Advanced Microfluidics and Integrated Optics Technology forming the Microsystem Analysis Core to be integrated in the ExoMars Life Marker Chip Instrument
Leeuwis, H. 1; Prak, A. 1; Sims, M.R. 2; Cullen, D.C. 3
1LioniX BV, (NETHERLANDS); 2University of Leicester, (UNITED KINGDOM); 3Cranfield University, (UNITED KINGDOM)

08:50-09:15 High-Performance, High Reliability Subsystems for Nanosatellites
Rotteveel, J. 1; Bruhn, F. 2
1ISIS - Innovative Solutions In Space BV, (NETHERLANDS); 2AAC Microtec, (SWEDEN)

09:15-09:40 For the Mini-DSS, it’s the System Level that counts.
Leijtens, J

09:40-10:05 Development of a MEMS based Heat Switch for Nano-Satellite Applications
Nilsson, Peter ; Ljunggren, Anders ; Bruhn, Fredrik
ÅAC Microtec, (SWEDEN)

Session 13: MEMS in Propulsion Systems

10:30-10:55 A Differential Pressure Sensor for Space with a Silicon MEMS Element
Evensen, L. 1; Seeberg, B.E. 1; Staubo, P. 1; Filhol, F. 2
1Presens as, (NORWAY); 2ESA, (NETHERLANDS)

10:55-11:20 MEMS-Based Hydrogen Peroxide Microthruster Module for Micro-Nanosatellite
Cocomazzi, R. 1; Tortora, P. 2; Margesin, B. 3; Faes, A. 3
1ALMASpace S.r.l., (ITALY); 2University of Bologna, (ITALY); 3Fondazione Bruno Kessler, (ITALY)

11:20-11:45 Proof of Concept and Preliminary Experiments of a Plasma Arcjet Microthruster for Micro and Nanosatellites
1Microspace Srl, (ITALY); 2Microspace Rapid Pte Ltd, (SINGAPORE)

11:45-12:10 Capacitive MEMS Pressure Sensor for Space – Theon Sensor

12:10-12:35 MEMS Electric Propulsion On A Chip: Microfabricated Arrays Of Integrated Capillary Nano-Electrospray Emitters
Ataman, C. ; Favre, J ; Shea, H. ; Krpoun, R.

12:35-13:00 Development of MEMS based Electric Propulsion
Tata Nardini, F. 1; Sanders, B. 2; Noca, M. 3; Shea, H. 3; Monna, B. 4; Visee, R. 4; Stark, J. 5; Gronland, T. 6; Rangsten, P. 6
1TNO defence, Security and Saftey, (NETHERLANDS); 2TNO Defence, Security and Safety, (NETHERLANDS); 3EPFL, (SWITZERLAND); 4SystematIC, (NETHERLANDS); 5QMUL, (UNITED KINGDOM); 6Nanospace, (SWEDEN)

Workshop Overview

Thursday, 14:00-14:30

The CANEUS workshop overview will provide the raison d'être of the CANEUS workshop. The primary objective of the workshop is to oversee the formation of international public/private partnerships within the space community by fostering a collaborative environment aimed at the adoption, adaptation, and accelerated commercialization of micro and nano technologies. This objective is achieved through a flow down format, beginning with concept introductions and ending with project reports and deliverables, as well as plans for the future.

Materials & Sensors 1: Concept Introductions

Thursday, 14:30-16:00

This opening workshop session will introduce new, innovative technology projects concepts related broadly to nano materials. These concepts will address critical needs for space and defence systems for rapid materials and sensors prototyping, and if successfully demonstrated, will lead to rapid adoption by the space and defence industries. Concept presenters will provide workshop participants with the technical and programmatic background necessary to evaluate the current status in terms of technological maturity, potential space applications and the challenges involved in this technology development.

Concept Presentations:

  • Lars Stenmark, (Manbas Alpha AB; Upsala University)
  • Jacques Lyrette (IAR-NRC; IMTC)
  • Pietr de Moor (IMEC)
  • Laurent Francis (UCL Belgium)
  • Jean Michel Stauffer (Colybris)
  • Chris Roeloffzen (SaTraX; University of Twente)
  • Sonia Garcia-Blanco (University of Twente)
  • Stève Masson (ONERA)

Materials & Sensors 2: End-User Requirements

Thursday, 16:20-18:00

Following concept presentations, this session allows space and defence end-users to provide their nano-materials and sensors requirements. In terms of nano-materials, space and defence users are constantly looking for systems that can provide significant enhancement in the thermal conductivity, directional anisotropy, radiation/absorption, and structural reinforcement capabilities. In terms of sensors, space and defence users are constantly looking for systems that bring new capabilities that have robustness and reliability, technological maturity, failure mechanisms based on graceful degradation and significantly lower mass, size and power consumption. The discussion in this session will establish the minimum space and defence system requirements in reference to both of these areas that have to be met to achieve both immediate and near-term needs.

End User Panellists:

  • Captain Chesnut (EUCOM Innovation)
  • Colonel Goldfein (EUCOM Innovation)
  • Coumar Oudea (EADS)
  • Laurent Pambaguian (ESA)
  • Jean-Michel Stauffer (Colybris)
  • Edward Martinez (NASA AMES)