Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

Session 4: MOEMS and Optical Instruments

08:25-18:50 Experimental Research on Temperature Characteristics of Two-Dimensional Micro Scanner
Zhang, C. ; Huang, H. ; You, Z.
Tsinghua University, (CHINA)

08:50-19:15 3D integrated Image Sensors for Smart Imaging Systems in Space
De Moor, P.
imec, (BELGIUM)

09:15-19:40 Microbolometers for Mid, Thermal, and Far Infrared Sensing
Ngo Phong, L. 1; Pope, T. D. 2; Chateauneuf, F. 2
1Canadian Space Agency, (CANADA); 2INO, (CANADA)

09:40-10:05 Feasibility of Phased Binary Optical Sensors for Navigation and Environmental Monitoring
Choudry, A.

Session 5: AOCS & Inertial Sensors

10:30-10:55 Development of a Nano-Satellite Reaction Wheel System with Commercial Off-The-Shelf Motors
Dekens, E. ; Brouwer, G. ; Bouwmeester, J. ; Kuiper, J.
Delft University of Technology, (NETHERLANDS)

10:55-11:20 The Qualification and Market Entry of the SIREUS MEMS Coarse Rate Sensor for Space Mission Applications.
Hartree, M 1; Hutton, P 1; Robertson, J 1; Durrant, D 2; Crowle, H 3; Temperanza,Daniele 4
1SELEX Galileo Ltd, (UNITED KINGDOM); 2Systems Engineering and Assessment Ltd,(UNITED KINGDOM); 3Atlantic Inertial Systems Ltd, part of Goodrich Corporation,(UNITED KINGDOM); 4ESA - ESTEC, (NETHERLANDS)

11:20-11:45 Capacitive MEMS Accelerometers for Launcher Applications – Theon Sensor

11:45-12:10 Short-cycle Industrialisation of MEMS Inertial Sensors
Reimer, K. 1; Schröder, Ch. 1; Merz, P. 2; Löwenstern, O. von 3; Heller, M. 3
1Fraunhofer ISIT, (GERMANY); 2MEMS Foundry Itzehoe, (GERMANY); 3SensorDynamics, (GERMANY)

12:10-12:35 Measuring the Gravity Gradient Torque for MEMS based Approach to an Earth Sensor
Ghose, K. ; Shea, H.R.

12:35-13:00 Development and Validation of MEMS Sun Sensor based on APS Detector
Xing, F; You, Z; Zhang, G.F; Li, B
Tsinghua University, (CHINA)

Session 6: RF MEMS Switches

14:00-14:25 Reliability Assessment of RF MEMS Switches
Seguineau, C. 1; Dhennin, J. 1; Fourcade, T. 1; Desmarres, J.M. 2; Courtade, F. 2

14:25-14:50 RF MEMS – Single Switch Element
Tschanun, W.; Heeb, P.
Reinhardt Microtech AG (GERMANY)

14:50-15:15 Reliability Enhancing Circuit for a Capacitive MEMS Switch
Houlihan, R. 1; Collins, P. 2; Olszewski, Z. 1; Mathewson, A. 1
1Tyndall National Institute, (IRELAND); 2Cork Institute of Technology, (IRELAND)

15:15-15:40 Miniature RF MEMS switched Capacitors using Nanogaps to achieve 50ns switching Speed Capabilities
Guines, C 1; Verger, A 1; Blondy, P 1; Crunteanu, A 1; Orlianges, JC 2; Dhennin, J 3; Courtade, F 4; Vendier, O 5; Pothier, A 1

15:40-16:05 MEMS redundancy switches for a LTCC Switch Matrix Hybrid Module
Di Paola, E. ; Di Nardo, S. ; Feudale, M. ; Pochesci, D. ; Fina, A. ; Di Marcantonio, U.
Thales Alenia Space, (ITALY)

Session 7: Nanotechnology Roadmaps and Applications

16:20-16:45 Prioritising the use of Nanomaterials in the Space Industry
Winkless, L. 1; Cuenat, Alexandre 1; Stark, Del 2; Britten, Paul 3
1National Physical Laboratory, (UNITED KINGDOM); 2Institute of Nanotechnology, (UNITED KINGDOM); 3Britten Consulting Limited, (UNITED KINGDOM)

16:45-17:10 Nanotechnology Roadmap for Space Applications
Oudea, Coumar 1; Oudea, Coumar 1; Larnac, Guy 2; Dupillier, Jean-Marc 1; Vendier, Olivier 3; Bourgeon, Michel 4
1EADS Astrium Space Transportation, (FRANCE); 2EADS astrium Space Transportation, (FRANCE); 3Thales Alenia Space, (FRANCE); 4Snecma Propulsion Solide, (FRANCE)

17:10-17:35 Nanotechnologies for Space Transportation Systems: Potential and Prospects
Ianelli, S. 1; Scalia, T. 2
1ASI - Italian Space Agency, (ITALY); 2D'Appolonia S.p.A, (ITALY)

17:35-18:00 Aligned Carbon Nanotubes Implementation in Aerospace Fiber Polymer Composites for Multi-Functional Property Enhancement
Yamamoto, N. ; Wardle, B.L.
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, (UNITED STATES)

18:00-18:25 Possible Implementation of Semiconducting Multiwalled Carbon Nanotubes as On-chip Interconnects
Nanda, K. K.
Indian Institute of Science, (INDIA)

18:25-18:50 Some Contributions of Nanomaterials to RAM Materials, Passive Thermal Control Coatings and Dosimeters
Souque, M. 1; Vendier, O. 2; Courtade, F. 3; Remaury, S. 3; Valade, L. 4; de Caro, D. 4; Fau, P. 4; Chaudret, B. 4