T.G. Sitharam |

Tuesday, 1 April 2014
1205 -
Earthquake Hazards in India and Mitigation Methods |
Dr. T. G. Sitharam has obtained his
BE(Civil Engg) from Mysore University, India in 1983,
Masters from Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore in 1986
and Ph.D. from University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario,
Canada in 1991. Further he was a post doctoral researcher at
University of Texas at Austin, Texas, USA until 1994. He has
served in many organizations like Govt of India, University
of Waterloo, Canada, University of Texas at Austin, USA, and
Yamaguchi University, Japan. Since 1994 he is at Indian
Institute of Science as a PROFESSOR in the department of
Civil Engineering. He is the founder Chairman of Centre for
infrastructure, Sustainable Transportation and Urban
Planning (CiSTUP at Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore.
He is responsible for starting an M. Tech programme in
Transportation and Infrastructure Engineering at Indian
Institute of Science. He is member of many committees formed
by the Govt of Karnataka and advices on infrastructure and
urban transportation related topics. He is the Chief Editor
of an International journal of Geotechnical Earthquake
Engineering published by IGI Global, PA, USA. He is also an
Associate Editor (AE) for ASCE Journal of Materials in Civil
Engineering, USA for the period 2006-2009, Editorial board
member of Geotechnique Letters, ICE, UK for 3 years, and
also Member, Committee on Soils and Rock Instrumentation
(AFS20), Transportation Research Board of the National
Academies, Division of National research Council (NRC), USA
for the period 2007-2009. Professor Sitharam has guided 23
Ph.D students, 5 MSc(Engg) students and more than 25 ME
project students. Currently he has 7 doctoral students
working under him. He has several ongoing research projects
to his credit to the tune of several hundred million rupees.
He has written six text books and also guest edited several
volumes for Current Science and other Journals. He is an
excellent consultant and has carried out more than 100
consultancy projects in the area of infrastructure. He has
published more than 150 papers in International journals and
in total 400 publications and six books to his credit. His H
index is pne of the highest in geotechnical engineering with
an index of 20. His papers have been well cited and some of
them have been cited more than 75 times. He is a recipient
"Sir C.V. Raman State Award for Young Scientists”,
Government of Karnataka, the year 2002 in recognition and
appreciation of exceptional contributions to Engineering
Sciences awarded in October 2004. He is also the recipient
of 1998 S.P. Research award (SAARC). He was a visiting
Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, Yamaguchi
University, Ube, Japan for one year 1999-2000. He was a
visiting professor at Technical University of Nova Scotia,
Halifax, Canada and University of Waterloo, Waterloo,
Ontario. Further, he has visited University of Oxford, UK
and University of Leeds, UK for research interactions. He
was a William Mong fellow at University of Hongkong,
HongKong during 2011. He has delivered lectures invited /
keynote lectures and also chaired/co-chaired technical
sessions in several International / national conferences.
Prof. Sitharam is a life member of several professional
organizations including ISSMGE, ISRM, JGS, IGS, etc.. He has
coordinated many meetings in the area of Geotechnical
engineering, Tunnels and underground structures, and Smart
cities. |
Abstract |
In the last three decades, large earthquakes have caused
massive loss of lives and extensive physical destruction
throughout the world (Armenia, 1988; Iran, 1990; US,
1994; Japan, 1995; Turkey, 1999; Taiwan, 1999, India
2001, Sumatra 2004, Pakistan, 2005). India has been
facing threat from earthquakes since ancient times. In
India, the recent destructive earthquakes are Killari
(1993) Jabalpur (1997) Bhuj (2001) Sumatra (2004) and
Indo-Pakistan (2005). Seismic activity of India is
evident from these recent earthquakes within the intra
plate and along the boundaries of Indo-Australian Plate
and Eurasian Plate. Many researchers address the intra
plate earthquakes and seismicity of South India (Purnachandra
Rao, 1999; Ramalingeswara Rao, 2000; Sitharam and
Sreevalsa, 2012; Iyengar and Raghukanth, 2004). Many
earthquakes in the past have left many lessons to be
learned which are very essential to plan infrastructure
and even to mitigate such calamities in future.
The hazards associated with earthquakes are referred to
as seismic hazards. The practice of earthquake
engineering involves the identification and mitigation
of seismic hazards. Study of seismic hazard and
preparation of microzonation maps will provide an
effective solution for city planning and earthquake
resistant design of structures in an area. Seismic
hazard is the study of expected earthquake ground
motions at any point on the earth. Microzonation has
generally been recognized as the most accepted tool in
seismic hazard assessment and risk evaluation and it is
defined as the zonation with respect to ground motion
characteristics taking into account source and site
conditions [TC4-ISSMGE, 1999]. The earthquake damage
basically depends on three groups of factors: earthquake
source and path characteristics, local geological and
geotechnical site conditions, structural design and
construction features. Seismic microzonation is the
initial phase of earthquake risk mitigation and requires
multidisciplinary approach with major contributions from
geology, seismology and geotechnical engineering. Making
improvements on the conventional macrozonation maps and
regional hazard maps, microzonation of a region
generates detailed maps that predict the hazard at much
smaller scales. Seismic microzonation is the generic
name for subdividing a region into individual areas
having different potentials hazardous earthquake
effects, defining their specific seismic behavior for
engineering design and land-use planning.
The basis of microzonation is to model the rupture
mechanism at the source of an earthquake, evaluate the
propagation of waves through the earth to the top of bed
rock, determine the effect of local soil profile and
thus develop a hazard map indicating the vulnerability
of the area to potential seismic hazard. Seismic
microzonation will also help in designing buried
lifelines such as tunnels, water and sewage lines, gas
and oil lines, and power and communication lines. Very
preliminary process of reducing the effects of
earthquake is by assessing the hazard itself. As part of
the national level microzonation programme, Department
of Science and Technology, Govt. of India has initiated
microzonation of 63 cities in India (Bansal and Vandana,
2007). Some of them are finished and some of them are
ongoing. As an initial experiment, seismic hazard
analysis and microzonation was taken up for Jabalpur
city in Madhaya Pradesh. Further, for many other cities
such as Sikkim, Mumbai, Delhi, North East India,
Gauwhati, Ahmedabad, Bhuj, Dehradun and Chennai an
attempt has been made to carryout microzonation
considering geomorphological features and detailed
geotechnical studies. Among the above Jabalpur, Sikkim,
Gauwhati and Bangalore microzonation works have been
completed. However, for Sikkim and Gauwhati,
microzonation reports are already available and the
report on microzonation of Bangalore is in the final
stages which will be released within few months.
In this presentation the state-of-art practices of
microzonation along with brief summary of the Indian
experiments will be discussed along with details of
earthquakes in India and the steps taken for disaster
management in India with respect to earthquakes.
Important issues related to seismic microzonation of
Indian cities with reference to seismology, Grade and
geological details, and geotechnical details are
highlighted. For shallow overburden regions (region
having engineering rock within 30m) application of 30m
average site class may not be appropriate. Such regions
it is recommended to take average shear wave velocity of
overburden thickness (up to the engineering rock depth).
Probabilistic hazard map for particular return period
will be more useful for vulnerability and risk analysis.