S&T Focus Areas |
- System of Systems
- Weather/Remote Sensing Satellites (GOES-R, ISR, etc.)
- SmallSat
- UAVs
- Smart Phones
- Investigate a System architecture, and requirements
- Predictive Tools/Societal Impacts
- Sensors and Instruments
- Disasters
- Forest Fires, Earthquakes, Floods & Landslides, Tsunami &
dangerous sea conditions, Pollution, and Dust Storms
- Sensor Suites
- Smart Sensors/Detectors
- Instruments Integration: Sensor and Power
- Imaging Spectrometer
- Hyper-spectral Sensors
- Knowledge Oriented Sensor Web Framework
- Image Processing and Interpretation
- Database
- Hazard Maps
- Spatial Coverage
- Monitoring the Event (in real time)
- Damage assessment
- Image Processing
- Interpretation
- Technical Gaps/ Challenges in Hazard Mitigation
- Database
- Hazard Maps,
- Intelligent and Autonomous Systems
- High Data rate transmission, and high speed network
- Intelligent and Smart Sensors/Detectors