Dr. Yelisetty Venkata Naga Krishna
Murthy, born on 15th March, 1958, received his Masters’ in
Science in 1979 and Doctorate in "Remote Sensing studies for
Integrated Resources Data Management System" in 1986 from
College of Engineering, Andhra University. He joined Indian
Space Research Organisation in 1987.
Dr. Krishna Murthy has significantly contributed for about 3
decades in promoting geoinformatics for natural resource
management and extending its use at grass root level. His
contribution in developing innovative methodologies by
integrating high technology geospatial inputs into
conventional methods has greatly facilitated in ultimate
assimilation of these inputs by the concerned including
technocrats, bureaucrats, NGOs and end-user community for
various thematic applications. One of his major
contributions is in developing methodology and innovative
application possibilities by georeferencing cadastral
village maps with high resolution satellite data and its
derived natural resources information to successfully
implement beneficiary oriented developmental programmes of
the Government of India at Gram Panchayat level. For easy
access and dissemination of geospatial products and services
at the village level, he designed and implemented various
indigenous customized software packages using open source
He was involved in the design of state projection grids for
integration of digital data bases from village to national
level, which has resulted in identification of suitable map
projections for the future high resolution data products,
creation of Indian National Spatial Data Fame Work and
integration of digital databases of major national mission
projects. This also facilitated in generating Ground Control
Points (GCP) chips for data quality evaluation of the
satellite data products of IRS 1C/1D, OCEANSAT, TES,
RESOURCESAT and CARTOSAT. As Project Director for
Maharashtra, developed methodology for integration of remote
sensing derived resources data in GIS environment in early
90's itself, towards sustainable development of Uma-Gani
watershed in Maharashtra as part of Integrated Mission for
Sustainable Development (IMSD).
He has greatly contributed in evolving database standards
and design of query shells for National (Natural) Resources
Information System (NRIS) Project. The query shell- Geo
LAWNS (Geographically encoded Land and Water Information
System) enables GIS data display, query and analysis both
for district level planning and watershed development.
He led a team of scientists in successfully accomplishing a
major user project for the Chhattisgarh State, funded by
Gram Panchayat, encompassing natural resources database,
road information system and georeferencing of cadastral
villages maps of more than 20000 villages to generate land
information system. Based on this initiative, he has been
identified as Project Director for a major project on
Cadastral Referenced Database (CRD) to facilitate generation
of cadastral level database on natural resources information
to enable Village Resources Centre (VRC) services. Many of
his contribution have become part of national missions
launched by Department of Space and also by various User
Ministries. The methodologies and software tools have not
only helped in speeding up the process of plan
implementation but also in subsequent monitoring of the
impact of the intervention.
As Project Director, Space based Information Support for
Decentralized Planning (SIS-DP), for the first time ever,
Ortho-corrected, high Resolution Satellite image generation,
adjusting the photogrammetric block to the state level, for
the country has been accomplished and by linking of
resources maps are being utilized for implementing and
monitoring developmental programs under IWMP, MGNREGA etc.
The information and database have been populated and
disseminated through BHUVAN.
He had been on International assignments to Syria, Peru to
demonstrate the achievements of Indian Space Program;
Vietnam to participate in the First Joint Project Team (JPT)
meeting for establishing ‘Sentinel Asia’; and also to
Thailand & Japan to deliver talks on ‘Applications of Earth
Observation for Water Management, Capacity Building and Best
Practices’ of ISRO in the areas of disaster management,
water for development and water financing respectively. His
presentation in the International Conference on the “Land
Governance in support of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs)
Responding to the New Challenges” has been published by
World Bank. He has represented ISRO at the UN-ESCAP meet at
Bangladesh, Malaysia and India. He made technical
contributions as member of advisory and technical task teams
of various ISRO programmes like Natural Resources Census,
NSDI; CRC, ISRO-NASA Collaborative project on Global Climate
Change, etc. He has about 174 technical papers and 150
technical reports to his credit. He has guided 6 Ph.D.
scholars and guided nearly 25 customized, open source
software tools.
He held many positions in his professional career, viz.
Deputy Director, Applications and Deputy Director, Regional
Centres at NRSC, Hyderabad; Director, Regional Remote
Sensing Centre at ISRO, Bangalore and Head, Regional Remote
Sensing Centre Nagpur.
Currently as Director Indian Institute of Remote Sensing,
ISRO and also Director of UN Affiliated Centre for Space
Science & Technology in Asia and the Pacific, Dehradun; Dr.
Krishna Murthy is engaged in operational programs, research
& development, capacity building and technology promotion in
various disciplines of applied sciences and geospatial
technology. Responsible for leading a team of around 65
scientists specialized in eight disciplines viz.,
photogrammetry & remote sensing, forestry & ecology,
geoinformatics, geosciences, marine & atmospheric sciences,
human settlement analysis, agriculture & soils, water
resources; planning, scheduling and conducting of
educational programme M.Sc/M.Tech, short term customized
training programmes as per user needs, guiding young
scientists to focus on research in emerging areas of remote
sensing and their applications and meeting the user needs of
various ministries, organizations. He facilitated in close
range photogrammetry, disaster related mobile mapping and
web GIS. As Director CSSTEAP he has contributed
significantly in capacity building in Asia Pacific regions
in the field of RS & GIS, Satellite Meteorology & Global
Climate, Satellite Communication, Space & Atmospheric
Sciences, Small Satellite Missions, Navigation & Satellite
Positioning System and other short term courses.
Dr. Krishna Murthy has been conferred with awards like
Astronautical Society of India Award for Space Sciences and
Applications (2012), ISRO Team Excellence Award (2009),
Astronautical Society of India Team Achievement Award
(2009), National Geomatics Award for Innovative Applications
by Indian Society of Geomatics (2008), Hari Om Ashram Prerit
Dr. Vikram Sarabhai Research Award (2003) for his innovative
contributions and outstanding achievements in the field of
Space Applications.