AIS | Automated Identification System |
BlueMassMed | EU pilot project for Mediterranean Maritime Surveillance |
CFCA | Community Fisheries Control Agency |
CHENS | Chiefs of European Navies |
CIS | Communications and Information Systems |
CISE | Common Information Sharing Environment |
CJOS COE | Combined Joint Operations from the Sea Centre of Excellence |
CleanSeaNet | Satellite-based oil spill detection |
CMPD | Crisis Management Planning Directorate |
COTS | Commercial off-the-shelf |
CSDP | Common Security and Defence Policy |
CSN DC | CleanSeaNet Data Centre |
CSUI | Common Standard User Interface |
DG 8 | Directorate 8 - Defence aspects |
DG 9 | Directorate 9 - Civilian Crisis Management |
DG MARE | EU Directorate General for Maritime Affairs & Fisheries |
EC | European Commission |
ECSA | European Shipowners' Association |
EEZ | Exclusive Economic Zone |
EDA | European Defence Agency |
EMSA | European Maritime Safety Agency |
EMODNET | European Marine Observation & Data Network |
ESA | European Space Agency |
EU | European Union |
EUCCIS | EU Command and Control Information System |
EULA | End User License Agreement |
EUMC | EU Military Committee |
EUMS | EU Military Staff |
EUROSUR | European Border Surveillance System |
EUSC | European Union Satellite Centre |
FoS | Federation of Systems |
FRONTEX | European Agency for the Management of Operational Co-operation at the External Borders of the MSs of the EU |
GOTS | Government off-the-shelf |
HF | High Frequency |
IALA | International Association of Marine Aids to Navigation and Lighthouse Authorities |
ICAO | International Civil Aviation Organisation |
ICC | International Camber of Commerce |
IFC | International Fusion Centre |
IMB | International Maritime Bureau |
IMO | International Maritime Organisation |
IMP | Integrated Maritime Policy |
INFOSEC | Information Security |
ISO | International Standards Organisation |
ISPS | International Ship and Port Security |
JIATF(S) | Joint Inter-Agency Task Force (South) |
LINUX | A free and open source family of operating systems for personal computers, based on voluntary contributions of a great number of independent programmers |
LRIT | Long Range Identification and Tracking |
MAOC(N) | Maritime Analysis & Operations Centre Narcotics |
MARBORSUR | Maritime Border Surveillance |
MARSUNO | Maritime Surveillance North |
MARSUR | Maritime Surveillance |
MDA | Maritime Domain Awareness |
MCC | Maritime Component Commander (NATO) |
MCCIS | Maritime Command & Control Information System (NATO) |
MDA | Maritime Domain Awareness |
MMEA | Malaysian Maritime Enforcement Agency |
MMSI | Maritime Mobile Service Identity |
MPA | Maritime Patrol Aircraft |
MS | Member State of the European Union |
MSO | Maritime Security Operations |
MSSIS | Maritime Safety & Security Information System |
MV | Motor Vessel |
NACGF | North Atlantic Coast Guard Forum |
NAVFOR | Naval Force |
NMCC | National Maritime Coordination Centres |
OHQ | Operational Headquarters |
OTH | Over the Horizon |
RCC | Regional Coordination Centres |
ReCAAP | Regional Cooperation Agreement on Combating Piracy and Armed Robbery |
RELEX | Exterior Relations (EU Directorate General) |
RMP | Recognised Maritime Picture |
SACT | Supreme Allied Commander Transformation (NATO) |
SafeSeaNet | EMSA´s Merchant Shipping Information network |
SAR | Search and Rescue/Synthetic Aperture Radar, depending on context |
SMSC | Singapore Maritime Security Centre |
SOLAS | UN Convention on Safety of Life at Sea |
SoS | System of Systems |
STIRES | SafeSeaNet Traffic Information Relay & Exchange System |
SUCBAS | Sea Surveillance Baltic Sea |
TTW | Territorial Waters |
UAV | Unmanned Air Vehicles |
UNCLOS | United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea |
VMS | Vessel Monitoring System |
V-RMTC | Virtual Regional Maritime Traffic Centre |
WEU | Western European Union |