Need & Approach |
The need for the UN driven global
initiative is responsive to the national/ regional
and globally interconnected disaster and
environmental management efforts, which involves
every country and knows no geographic boundaries. No
single country can afford to develop such complete
set of sensors and satellite system needed for
forecasting, monitoring and mitigating disasters
like floods, drought, typhoons, earthquakes, wild
fires, windstorms, tidal events etc.
Today, small satellites have been playing important
roles in new technology demonstration and providing
cost effective tools for disaster risk reduction.
The key findings from related CANEUS initiatives and
lessons learned reveal that space based remote
sensing tools covers multi-sectors and require
multi-disciplinary approach to address the diverse
multi-stakeholders disaster risk management needs.
By creating common data and access standards across
communities and by working together as one disaster
response system of systems, agencies and emergency
management teams can improve their level of
preparedness before a natural disaster occurs.
About |