Technical Problem and Solution
MEMS-based micro thrusters systems provide a thrust level, precision, and accuracy coupled with low mass and size that cannot be matched by conventional propulsion systems that are significantly bigger and consume higher power. Thus, we hope to apply the results of research into micro propulsion for space applications for the development of commercially viable micro thrusters products. MEMS based micro thrusters are the only solution for meeting the needs of micro, nano and pico spacecraft for attitude control, delta-v manoeuvres, drag compensation and orbit adjustment.
The technology and systems available for powering micro object and vehicles are not equally advanced. Today, there is an urgent need for revolutionary MEMS technologies and materials that could potentially produce high power density devices. In this context, nano materials can contribute significantly to revolutionary improvements in electrical power storage and can lead to highly integrated micro energetic system.
The identified technological challenges for both applications include:
- Development of integrated micro batteries :
- Selection of concepts and systems using i.e. embedded and stand alone batteries
- Materials and device challenges associated with micro-battery development for the above applications.
- Development of integrated micro-propulsion technology :
- Selection of appropriate MEMS based micro-propulsion concepts and systems in order to meet customer requirements
- Development of new energetic materials and devices based on end-user requirements imposed on the micro thrusters devices.