Overall |
Setting the Stage |
09:00 – 9:10 |
Overview: Welcome from CANEUS, Workshop
Goals, Structure & Expected Outcome, Dr.
Milind Pimprikar, Chairman, CANEUS |
09:10 – 9:20 |
Raison d'ętre: “Need for the UN-Global-Sat
Initiative”, Dr. Marco Villa, Director, CANEUS |
09:20 – 9:40 |
Keynote: “NThe global framework bringing
socio-economic benefits of space
technologies to post-2015 agendas”, Ms.
Simonetta Di Pippo,
Director, United Nations Office for Outer
Space Affairs,
End-User Needs Assessment |
09:40 – 10:10 |
Panelists to contribute their experience
related to space based data management
(collection, post-processing and
distribution), and data standards to serve
disaster management needs and lessons
learned perspective: |
- UN-ISDR: Pedro Basabe, Office
of the SRSG: "The relevance of voluntary
commitments from the Earth observation
international community"*
- UN SPIDER: Shirish Ravan, Head,
UN-SPIDER, Beijing, "User requirements
and high resolution Earth observation
applications to disaster risk
- UNDP: Sanny Jegillos, UNDP Senior
Advisor for DRR, Bangkok
Applications of Satellite-based Technologies |
10:10– 10:40 |
Panelists to provide an overview of
existing and planned Satellite technology
solutions perspective: |
- Global Input: Joachim Post,
UN-OOSA, "The case of flood monitoring
and the importance of sharing
recommended practices" *.
- Agency Input: Norimitsu
Kamimori, JAXA
- University Consortium: Prof,
Yukihiro Takahashi, Hokkaido University
Programmatic Issues |
10:40 – 11:10 |
Panelists to address policy,
financial issues, and present successful
Global / regional partnership /
collaboration models perspective |
- Ms. Alanna Simpson, Head of World
Bank's Global Facility for Disaster
Reduction and Recovery GFDRR Innovations
- Global and Regional Partnerships
Models: GFDRR
Proposed Global Framework |
11:10 – 11:40 |
covering proposed Scope, Stakeholders, Core
Team, and Implementation Mechanism through
public/private partnership and Success
Criteria |
Moderators: Milind Pimprikar and
Marco Villa
Contributors: Panelists, speakers and
participants |
Workshop Outcome & Wrap up |
11:40 – 11:55 |
Proposed new
global framework for sharing of space
technology and data to serve nation’s
disaster management needs |
- Summary of technical, policy, and
financial issues for the UN Global-Sat
- Public/private partnership
implementation plan
11:55 - 12:00 |
Closing Remarks, Presentation of Mementos |
Program |