End User Requirements
Session Time and Speakers

The End Users for the proposed Bioastronautics devices are space agencies worldwide that are involved in human spaceflight activities. The development of a biomedical sensor net for intravehicular and extravehicular astronaut health monitoring is sought.  In designing these devices, we would conform to the most rigorous space requirements as follows:

  1. Minimally-invasive
  2. Low mass and volume
  3. Low power
  4. High accuracy
  5. Rugged and reliable
  6. Adaptive and intelligent
  7. Easy to calibrate
  8. Multifunctional

For biosensors to be minimally invasive, they should be capable of making rapid readings by drawing nanolitres of fluid samples without piercing the skin. An additional desirable feature is the ability to detect and measure trace blood analytes in minute concentrations. Among the possible ”dual uses” could be the use of these sensors for also monitoring trace contaminants in spacecraft environments.