Technical Problem and Solution
Product Development Description
Session Time and Speakers

Session Time and Speakers

August 31, 2006- 13:50-15:30

Chair (and report): Pascal Nouet (LIRMM)
Co-chair (panel moderator): Andrew Richardson (Lancaster University, Nexus, Patent-DFMM project manager)
Workshop session reporter: Pascal Nouet (LIRMM)

Workshop Lead Speakers: In this session short presentations given by technology providers are expected: Francis Pressecq (CNES), Lionel Buchaillot (IEMN), Remi Gaillard (INFODUC), Thomas George (VIALOGY), Stephane Renard (TRONICS), Augustin Coello-vera (ALCATEL ALENIA SPACE), Ernest J. Garcia (SANDIA), Xavier lafontan (NOVAMEMS)


Brigitte Braux (EADS-Astrium), Lionel Buchaillot (IEMN), Philippe Calvel (Alcatel Alenia Space), Frederic Courtade (CNES), Claude Drevon (AAS), Ingrid De Wolf (IMEC), D. Esteve (LAAS), Bruno Foucher (EADS-CCR), Vincent  Gaff (Tronics), Remi Gaillard (Infoduc), Laurent Marchand (ESA), Makato Mita (JAXA), Christian Xavier Grison (DGA), Philippe Perdu (CNES), Francis Pressecq (CNES), Stephane Renard (Tronics), Olivier Vendier (Alcatel Alenia Space), Ram Rajeshuni (NASA), Xavier Lafontan (NovaMEMS), William  Atwell (BOEING), Thomas  George (ViaLogy), Ernest J.  Garcia  (SANDIA), Brian  Dunaway (BOEING), Pascal Nouet (LIRMM).